What to Pack for Your Alaskan Wilderness Vacation

At Afognak Wilderness lodge, we’re here to help facilitate every aspect of your vacation in Alaska. While we’re proud to provide a unique remote lodging experience, where you can connect with Nature in some of the last pristine lands on Planet Earth, that’s only part of the process. You’ll also need to plan ahead for the gear you’re going to bring. For this blog, we’re going to give you a quick packing list for your next Alaskan vacation. This is not all-inclusive but it should cover some essentials and spark ideas for anything else you may want to bring.


Deep sea and freshwater fishing are some of Alaska’s fondest past-times. While we provide gear & lures, if you’re planning to use your own equipment, make sure not to forget to bring rain-gear & knee-high boots.

Photography Equipment

Alaska offers breathtaking photo opportunities for landscapes & land/marine wildlife alike. Make sure to bring the following along if you’re an amateur or professional photographer.

  • Camera (still and/or video)

  • Extra lenses

  • Batteries & chargers

  • Weather proof case

  • Tripod

General Checklist

Here’s some helpful all-purpose reminders for our Kodiak maritime environment, where temperatures range from 50* -75* in the shade and 80*-110* in the direct sun . . . Alaskan summers are great.

  • Sunscreen

  • Bug spray – occasionally needed.

  • Casual layered clothing (jeans, flannel/fleece shirts)

  • Shorts & T-shirts

  • Sneakers

  • Knee-high boots

  • Light cap/gloves/scarf

  • Shampoo/conditioner

  • Slip-on shoes – for inside all our buildings, or just your socks

  • Small flashlight

  • Optional:

    • Day-pack, binoculars, swimsuit for sauna

    • Alcohol – pick up in Kodiak the day prior to arriving here


  • Internet

  • Laundry


The Perfect Lodging for Your Alaskan Vacation


Tips & Tricks For Photographing Alaskan Wildlife