Alaska is a beautiful state with a coastline that provides plenty of fishing opportunities. One specific location that has attracted fishing enthusiasts over the years is Kodiak Island, where you can also find our Kodiak wilderness lodge. Here are some of the many types of fish that draw the many guests who stay with us at Afognak Wilderness Lodge in Kodiak.
Alaska is well known for the many types of salmon swimming in our waters. Some types tip the scales at 120 pounds, while others weigh in at just 3 to 5 pounds. Below are common types of salmon in Alaska.
King salmon
Silver salmon
Red salmon
Pink salmon
Despite the fame of our salmon, however, halibut is also fairly common in Alaska. The largest halibut ever caught weighed in at a whopping 495 pounds. Note that catching them requires a wealth of patience since they feed on the bottom of the ocean floor.
Cod Fish
Lining cod are considered highly aggressive and can weigh in at anywhere between 10 to 40 pounds. They are abundant in Kodiak during the fishing season, but are not easy to catch. They are most often found where currents are strong and tend to be at the bottom of the ocean floor. Pacific cod is similar to the lining cod and can be caught year-round.